The articles and materials, published in the online journal IUS ROMANUM are intellectual property, owned by their respective authors. They can be published only with the unambiguous agreement of the authors.
When quoting, it is compulsory to refer to the respective publication in the journal.
Тhe content of each article should not exceed 15 standard pages (1800 symbols on every page, including spaces). In exceptional cases, at the suggestion of the editor-in-chief and with the approval of at least five of the members of the editorial board, specialists in the relevant field, larger articles may be published when they have fundamental contributions to the development of the relevant topic for the magazine issue.
Formal requirements:
- Title: Times New Roman, size 14, Bold, Centered, Caps Lock.
- Name and surname of the author: Times New Roman, size 12, Bold, Align Right.
- Degree, official current position and e-mail address of the author: Footnote, Times New Roman, size 10, Regular, Justified.
- Annotation/summary in Bulgarian language: up to 1 standard page (1800 symbols), Times New Roman, size 12, Italic.
- Annotation in the language, in which the article is written (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian): up to 1 standard page (1800 symbols), Times New Roman, size 12, Italic.
- Keywords (in Bulgarian and in the respective language): after the annotation/summary, not more than 10, Times New Roman, size 12.
- Text of the article: Times New Roman, size 12, Regular, Justified, Between the lines 1.5.
- Page numbers: Times New Roman, size 10, Bottom of page, Plain Number 3.
- Insert Footnotes: numeration from 1, Arabic numbers, Times New Roman, size 10, Regular, Justified. The following rules must be observed when quoting:
- Books: Surname of the author, initials of the author's first name (likewise for multiple authors, if they are three or less; if they are more than three, the title of the work must be included first and the names of the authors - second). Title of the book, place of publishing, publisher, year, page number.
- Journal articles: Surname of the author, initials of the author's first name (in case of multiple authors, the rules for quoting books apply). Title of the article – title of the journal (in Italic), year of publishing, volume/number of the journal, page number.
- Articles, reports etc. published as a part of symposiums/collections: Surname of the author, initials of the author's first name (in case of multiple authors, the rules for quoting books apply). Title of the article/report – In: name of the symposium/collection (in Italic), place of publishing, publisher, year, page number.
- Dictionaries: Surname of the author, initials of the author's first name (in case of multiple authors, the rules for quoting books apply). Title of the dictionary, place of publishing, publisher, year, volume, page number.
- Electronic resources: Title of the website, domain, e-mail address, date of last access..
The main language for publishing is Bulgarian. The articles in a foreign language are published in their language of origin (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian). If the articles are published in Bulgarian language, the editors of the journal assume the responsibility for the quality of the translation and editing. The annotation/summary remains in original language.
The aforementioned formal requirements are compulsory for articles, published in Bulgarian. In case the text is published in one of the other official languages, the formal requirements that are typical for the respective country can be used.
The articles must be sent in the form of an e-mail attachment to the journal's official e-mail address:
Any author, who has sent an article and has not received an answer from the journal, may contact the journal's manager or secretary on the same e-mail address.