ISSUE I/2023

The new issue 1 for 2023 of the Romanist e-journal IUS ROMANUM comprises research covering a rather wide scope of topics related to establishing and sanctioning unlawful actions in society. The theme DELICTA lends itself to considering both public law and private law issues, as this term in Roman law refers to the so-called civil wrongs (delicta privata) but to crimes as well (delicta publica). This is the reason for structuring the content into two parts following the Roman law classification – for public law and private law torts..), но и престъпленията (delicta publica). Това е и основанието в съдържанието на списанието да се обособят, следвайки римскоправната класификация, двата основни раздела – за публичноправните и частноправните деликти.

Traditionally modern law uses the term tort to refer to delicta privata. This is because as early as Ancient Rome delicta publica albeit preserved as a term in the sources at the time of the Empire as well; the Roman iurisprudentes themselves more and more often substituted it with another term - crimina. It has its continuity throughout the ages and enjoys great popularity usage in modern law, respectively becoming part of the term for criminal law and the basic terminology of criminal law as well as modern languages. .. Това се дължи и на обстоятелството, че още в Древния Рим delicta publica, макар и да са запазени като наименование и в източниците от времето на Империята, все по-често са определяни от самите римски iurisprudentes с един друг термин – crimina. Той има и своята приемственост през вековете и масова употреба в съвременното право, съответно е включен в названието на наказателното право и в основната терминология на наказателноправната наука и в съвременните езици.

The high priority placed on the study and exploration of Roman private law led to the inclusion of many torts in the study courses codified in Book XLVII of the Digests of Torts, interpreted as sources of contractual relations or defects in consent. The approach in this subject area closely relates to the Roman concepts and the specifics of the civil law and praetorian law system, in addition to the enforcement of the civil-law trial as a form of sanctioning such torts. Moreover, even though Roman law has specific terms for delicta privata, their elements, and punishments, the general principle not to cause harm to another - .neminem laedere lays the foundation for the creation of this regulation. Respectively, according to the other two principles, laid out by Ulpian as .suum quique tribuere, whereas everything obeys the common criterion for life and conduct in compliance with the law and the principles of good faith, integrity, and honesty - suum quique tribuerepraecepta iuris, sanctions come as a result of the requirement for giving to each his own - honeste vivere..

