Every article, sent for publishing by the author, is reviewed by
the journal’s Chief Editor and the secretaries
the journal’s Chief Editor and the secretaries
— the article’s accordance with the journal’s publishing rules.
In case of a positive evaluation from this initial review, the procedure for external peer review begins.
на същинското рефериране.
decision of the Editorial board, the text is sent for evaluation to two reviewers – experts in the respective area, to
which the article is related. The reviewers must not be members of the university, represented by the author.
The journal uses the system of the so-called double blind peer review. In accordance with it, one of the
secretaries send the text to the two reviewers in an anonymous form. The names of the reviewers are not
revealed to the author. The members of the Editorial board, the secretaries and the reviewers are obliged to
keep this activity in secret.
Within 20 days after receiving the article, the reviewers must give their evaluation by filling the Table for
external peer review (see Application №1) and send all the materials back to the secretaries.
The reviewers must evaluate:
- the originality of the topic and the article;
- the article’s relevance to the subject of the journal;
- the article’s methodology;
- the article’s linguistic accuracy;
- the quality of the translation;
- the stability of the argumentation;
– Яснота на изложението
- the clarity and fullness of the exposure;
- the relevant use of bibliographic and jurisprudence references.
As a result of the external peer review procedure the article can be:
- accepted for publishing;
- returned to the author for editing changes, specifically pointed out by the reviewer. The Editorial board of the
journal evaluates the adequacy of the editing changes and makes a proposal for publishing the article;
- denied for publishing.
If the two reviewers have a different opinion, the Editorial board takes the final decision.
The publishing is made by the decision of the Editorial board on the proposal of the Chief Editor.