At this section includes the publication of books on Roman law in Bulgarian in the last two decades and their presentation, projects for the study of Roman law and Roman law tradition and the forums on Roman law, as well as some other scientific conferences at which problems in Roman law. Over the years, we have sought not only to teach Roman law, but also to provide a broader representation of Roman legal culture inside and outside the University.

According to Ulpian, Roman jurists were "priests of justice". The high place assigned to them in history is due to their creativity, their significant contribution to the development and application of law in ancient Rome, but also to the independence and courage in upholding the legal principles, the universal nature of many of their creations. rules and regulations.
Roman jurisprudence had a great influence on the administration of justice. That is why most of the statues in front of the Court House in Rome are of the most prominent Roman jurists - Cicero, Marc Licinius Crassus, Gaius, Julian, Papinian and Modestin, and in the atrium is the article by Ulpian. According to tradition, the depiction of lawyers sitting is an expression of great respect for them and for the Roman law tradition as the basis of modern law in Europe.