The first-year students at the Faculty of Law of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” stepped across the threshold of their Alma Mater in the complex situation of the global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2. Lectures and seminars alternated taking place only via the computer screen, accompanied by enthusiasm and concerns in the search for the best forms and methods of learning. In these conditions, it seemed hard to achieve that dedication of the young people tempted by the knowledge of the laws (cupidae legum iuventuti) as per Justinian’s appeal in the remote 533 AD. Everyone, standing in the face of innumerable social challenges during these difficult times, reached for support in the law, trying to comprehend it in-depth but also to preserve it as an art of the good and the just (ars boni et aequi) citing the prominent classical jurist of II century AD, Publius Juventius Celsus. Millenial universality and living words of the ancient Roman iurisprudentes in modern days as well step upon the tradition which laid the foundation of a legal system created for the benefit of man. Following this idea, it is the third time now that the Roman Law Club at the Faculty of Law has offered the first-year law students the challenge to think freely about a particularly relevant for the spring of 2021 topic – consent in all its dimensions: legal, social, personal or political and international ones. The topic again was worded in Latin, CONSENSUS, as is the practice when looking for the connection between Roman and modern law.