Issue II/2018

With issue II for 2018 of the electronic journal of the Faculty of Law of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ”IUS ROMANUM
for the third time the decision of the General Assembly of the Balkans is implemented
Association of Roman Law and Roman Law Tradition “Societas pro iure
romano ”(S.I.R.) to be composed of the reports and articles of the participants in the annual international conference of the Association. On 25 and 26
October 2018 in Skopje, under the auspices of the Faculty of Law "Justinian I" of the University of Skopje "St.St. Cyril and Methodius University, the Italian Embassy in Macedonia, the Representation of the Conrad Foundation
Adenauer ”and with the support of the Faculty of Law of Sofia University, this prestigious scientific forum was held, strengthening the cooperation between the novelists from the Balkan countries and their colleagues from the leading universities of Western Europe. The Conference was attended by more than 50 novelists from Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Macedonia,
Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Montenegro (countries are listed
in alphabetical order and not according to the number of participants).
The theme of the conference "IUS & HUMANITAS", determined by the Board of the Balkan Association together with the organizers, is
related to the upcoming on December 10, 2018 celebration of 70 years of
the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights
freedoms by the UN General Assembly. Undoubtedly, the Declaration is the first
significant achievement of the World Organization in this field and the first
recording at the world level the rights inherent in all human beings. Its provisions have been further developed into subsequent international ones
human rights agreements, in national constitutions and
laws, and for the past seven decades it has been established to be lasting and extensive
practice in their application.
This topic provides great opportunities for research and
The conference presented a rich palette of concepts and positions
on the main issues related to the protection of human rights and in general - the human aspects of law. In this context was a kind of celebration (albeit with a slight delay) of the 80th anniversary of
one of the initiators and the most active participant in the Balkan Association and
its conferences - its honorary member Prof. Sebastiano Tafaro. His book “Ius hominum causa constitutum. Un diritto a misura d’uomo ”, published by the Italian publishing house Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane just before
10 years, is not only a remarkable scientific work dedicated to the protection of
man and the basic values in his life - it is a kind of scientific bridge between ancient and modern law, the foundation
or comparative law and dogmatic studies in which Roman law
occupies a significant position. In the preface, Prof. Tafaro writes: "I think it is
useful to bring together some of my reflections on the central role of man in Roman law […] in order to clarify what
Roman jurists perceived IUS as a key feature. The significant tradition embodied in the work made in the second century AD. structure of the Institutions of Guy, and followed almost verbatim in the Institutions of Justinian, does not always reveal the central role of man. Roman law is considered in three sections (people, things and means of protection), with the risk of not accepting its focus on the main goal of the human situation, without
which, however, would seem meaningless, and therefore to deprive the meaning and interest of the whole of law (IUS) of meaninglessness. '
So as a kind of motto of the Conference

