Брой II/2020

On October 26th , 2020, the Fifth International Conference of Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition (Societas pro Iure Romano – S.I.R) took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, where 5 years ago, on October 13th , 2016, S.I.R. was established. More than 50 university scholars and PhD students participated – from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Spain (as it is already the custom, countries are listed in alphabetical order, not according to the number of participants). The conference took place in an extremely difficult moment for the entire humankind – the peak of the second wave of COVID 19, in a moment calling for social isolation and restrictions on all face-to-face academic and cultural events. This however did not hinder the conducting of the conference in a virtual environment where the Faculty of Law of Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, with the collaboration of the Italian Cultural Institute in Sofia, hosted and organized the participation of a large part of the delegates in real time, providing for all who were busy teaching seminars and lectures on that day also online video recordings and presentations, placed on the new site of the project and the journal IUS ROMANUM – The conference demonstrated not only the solidarity and collegiality built in the community among the members of the Association, but also their continued strife for development of the Roman law science and its presentation before the wide legal community. Namely, the virtual format of this international academic forum paved the way towards an even greater publicity both for the participants’ performance and for the presenting of the goals of the Association, carried out by its regular and honorary members, their colleagues and friends. The theme of the conference – TRADITIO IURIS ROMANI, offered an opportunity for an extremely broad interpretation of the problems of the Roman law itself and their modern legal projections. It is a new theme, proposed by the Administrative Council of the Association and approved by its members. The theme, approved at the previous Fourth International Conference in Kragujevac in 2019 – MARE NOSTRUM, we considered more suitable for a future separate respective academic setting, at the seacoast, when all pandemic-related worries and concerns are handed over to the past.

