D. (Ulpianus libro primo institutionum)
Cuius merito quis nos sacerdotes appellet: iustitiam namque colimus et boni et aequi notitiam profitemur, aequum ab iniquo separantes, licitum ab illicito discernentes, bonos non solum metu poenarum, verum etiam praemiorum quoque exhortatione efficere cupientes, veram nisi fallor philosophiam, non simulatam affectantes.

Regular member of the BCD, in the LF 1892-1902.
BALABANOV, MARKO DIMITRIEV (1837 - 16.06.1921)
Born in Klisura. He studied at the Theological School of Fr. Halki (1855-1862). He studied law in Athens (1862-1864) and in the Legal Department of the Sorbonne, Paris. Lisancy in Law (1866). He continued his studies in Munich (1867) and in Heidelberg (1868). Graduated in law at the Ecole de droit, Paris (1870). Lecturer in Greek language and Greek literature at the Faculty of History and Philology at Sofia University (1889-1898) and one of the first lecturers in law - a lecturer in Roman law and Byzantine law (1892-1899, 1900-1902). Associate Professor, private associate professor of Roman, Byzantine and canon law (1892). First Dean of the Faculty of Law (1896-1897). Corresponding member of the BCD (1881). Regular member of the BCD (1884). Chairman of the Branch of State Sciences (1884-1898) and of the Philosophical and Social Branch of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1898-1902, 1904-1905, 1907-1920). Lawyer and journalist in Constantinople (1870). Secretary of the Provisional Exarchate Council at the Church-People's Assembly (1871). Together with Dragan Tsankov they played the role of official representatives of the Bulgarian people before the European governments after the suppression of the April Uprising (1876). The first appointed member of the Supreme Court (1879). Vice-Governor of Tarnovo, Svishtov and Ruse (1878-1879). Member of Parliament from Svishtov District in the Constituent Assembly (1879). Chairman of the XI (1901) ONS and V (1911) VNS. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religions in the first Bulgarian government of Todor Burmov (1879) and in the government of Dragan Tsankov (1883-1884). Diplomatic agent in Constantinople (1880-1881), Bucharest (1902-1905) and Athens (1905-1906). Lawyer in Sofia. Editor of the "Chitalishte" magazine (1870-1875),newspaper "Vek" (1874-1876), newspaper "Vitosha" (1879-1880), newspaper "Bratstvo" (1881-1884) and newspaper "Light" (1882-1886). Courses taught: Sofia University, Faculty of History and Philology - Greek Language, History of Greek Literature, Greek Archeology (1889-1898); Sofia University, Law Firm - Byzantine Law (Dogma of Roman Law), Canon (Church) Law and State (Constitutional) Law (1892-1902).
Areas of main scientific interests: Bulgarian Revival, legal problems of the newly liberated state.

Regular member of the BCD, in the LF 1892-1907.
DANCHEV (DANCHOV), PETYR IVANOV (06.11.1857 - 08.02.1913)
Born in Sliven. He graduated from the classical high school in Hradec Kralove (Koniggratz), Czechoslovakia (1878). He studied law at the University of Prague (1878-1879) and at the University of Jena, Germany, where he graduated (1881). Doctor of the same university (1881). One of the first professors in law school - associate professor of Roman law (1892). Associate Professor (1895). Private Part-time Associate Professor (1897). Dean (1899-1900) and Deputy Dean (1900-1901) of the Law Firm. Corresponding member of the BCD (1898). Full member of the BCD (1900). Honorary Doctor of the University of Geneva (1909). Lawyer in Sliven (1881-1882). Member of the Supreme Court of Eastern Rumelia (1882-1884). Head of the Civil Department of the Ministry of Justice (1885-1886). Chairman of the Plovdiv Court of Appeal. Member of the Supreme Court of Cassation (1886). Chief Prosecutor at the Supreme Court of Cassation (1887-1900, 1901-1907). Chairman of the Supreme Court of Cassation (1907-1913). Minister of Justice in the government of Todor Ivanchov (1900-1901).
Minister of Justice (1901) and Head of the Ministry of Trade and Agriculture (1901) in the government of Gen. Racho Petrov. Editor of the newspaper "Savetnik" (1881-1890), the newspaper "Southern Bulgaria" (1883-1885), the first Bulgarian legal magazine "Legal Journal" (1888-1899). Courses taught: Civil Law (1892-1893), History of Roman Law, Dogma of Roman Law and System of Roman Law (1892-1907).Area of main scientific interests: civil court system and court proceedings.

Professor, Doctor, Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law 1909-1925
ANGELOV, SIMEON ANGELOV (04.02.1881 - 12.04.1925)
Born in Veliko Tarnovo. Graduated from the University of Tübingen, law (1902). Doctor of the same university (1903). Specializations - in Philosophy of Law in Halle (1903-1904) and Berlin (1904-1905); in Civil Law in Paris and Rome (1909-1910). Full associate professor at the Faculty of Law (1909). Associate Professor (1914). Private part-time associate professor in the Department of Roman Law (1915). Part-time professor in the same department (1924). Member of the Codification Commission at the Ministry of Justice (1915-1925). Courses: Civil Law and Roman Law (1909-1925).
Areas of main scientific interests: civil law, roman law.

Professor, Doctor, Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law 1920-1943
BAZANOV, IVAN ALEKSANDROVICH (27.01.1867 - 27.06.1943)
Born in Russia. Graduated from Moscow University, law (1891). Master of Civil Law at the same university (1900). Specializations - Moscow, Berlin, Leipzig, Heidelberg, Vienna and Paris (1897-1898). Private Associate Professor of Civil Law at Moscow University (1896-1898). Acting full professor at Tomsk University (1900). Dean of the Faculty of Law at the same university (1903-1909). Rector of the same university (1909-1913). Full professor at St. Petersburg University (1913). Private Associate Professor at the University of Kiev (1917). Full professor at the same university (1919). Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Kiev (1919). Professor at the Faculty of Law at Sofia University (1920). Professor at the Balkan Middle Eastern Institute of Political Science (Free University) (1922-1937). Chairman of the Russian Academic Organization in Sofia (1921). Courses taught: Sofia University, Law School - Civil Law, History of Roman Law, System of Roman Law (1925-1943); Balkan Middle Eastern Institute of Political Science (Free University) - Roman Law (1927-1937).
Areas of main scientific interests: roman law - history and system, civil law.

Professor, Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law 1928-1950.
VENEDIKOV, PETKO YORDANOV (December 22, 1905 - February 15, 1995)
Born in Sofia. Graduated from Sofia University, Faculty of Law, Law and State Sciences (1928). Volunteer assistant at the Law Firm (1928). Assistant (1930). Associate Professor (1932). Associate Professor (1935). Professor (1941). Head of the Department of Roman Law (1937-1950). Dean (1940-1941, 1943-1944) and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law (1941-1942). Member of the Secretary of the Codification Council at the Ministry of Justice (1935). Member of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria (1966). Winner of the Cyril and Methodius Prize of the Academy of Sciences (1937). Courses taught: Roman law: history and system (1933-1950), Bulgarian civil law: General part, Property law, Obligation law, Family law and Inheritance law (1934-1950), Introduction to legal science, Bulgarian forest law foresters).
Areas of main scientific interests: civil law, roman law.

Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty of Law 1946-1977.
ANDREEV, MIKHAIL NIKOLOV (November 9, 1911 - May 30, 1978)
Born in Sofia. Graduated from Sofia University, Faculty of Law, Law (1934). Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law (1946). Associate Professor (1949). Professor (1950). Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law (1952-1977). Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law (1948-1951). Head of the History and Law Department of the Institute of Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (1947), of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria (1966). Member of the French Society of the History of Law (1958), of the Italian Society of Novelists "Bartolo Sassoferato" (1961), of the Belgian Society of the History of Law "Jean Boden" (1965). Courses: Sofia University, Law School - Roman Law (1946-1977), History of Bulgarian
държава и право (1952-1977); в Сорбоната, Институт по римско право, Париж (1958, 1964).Areas of main scientific interests: roman law, history of the state and law.

Professor, Doctor of Law, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty of Law 1975-2005
CHOLOV , RUMEN PETROV (28.10.1949 - 08.06.2005)
Born in Cherven Bryag. Graduated from Sofia University, Faculty of Law, Law (1972). Assistant at the Faculty of Law (1975). Senior Assistant (1978). Chief Assistant (1982). Associate Professor (1986). Professor ((). Doctor of Laws (1980). Specializations - in Roman law in Rome (1978-1979); on Byzantine and Canon Law in Rome and Naples (1983). Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law (1987-1991) and the Dean of International Students (1987). Deputy Head of the Research Sector at Sofia University (1980-1983). Member of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria (1976). Member of the Society for the History of Law, Brussels (1987), of the Society for the History of Ancient Mediterranean Law, Paris (1989). Winner of the second prize in the International Competition for the Study of the History of Law at the University of Rome (1982) and in the International Competition for the Gerard Boulevard Prize of the University of Naples (1990). Courses taught: Sofia University, Law Faculty - Roman Private Law (1979-2005), History of European Law (1992-2005); Higher Institute at the Ministry of Interior - Roman Law (1985-1991);
BSU - Roman Law (1991-2005); VTU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”- Roman private law (..).Areas of main scientific interests: roman law, byzantine law, canon law, general history of the state and law.

Chief Assistant, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, FL 1986-2013.
PIPERKOV, TEODOR LYUBENOV (07/06/1958 - 12/17/2013)
Born in Sofia. Graduated from Sofia University, Faculty of Law, Law (1984). Assistant at the Faculty of Law (1986). Senior Assistant (1992). Chief Assistant (1999). Specialization - University of Hamburg (1990-1991). Member of the Society for German-Bulgarian Legal Cooperation (1992). Deputy Director of the Institute of German Law at the Law Faculty of Sofia University “St. Clement
Ohridski ”(1992). Courses taught: Roman law - separate lectures at Sofia University, Law School (() and VTU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" (…).Areas of main scientific interests: roman law, general history of the state and law.