Protocol №1

from the meeting (absent) of the Management Board of
of the Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Law Tradition


„Societas pro iurе romano“ (S.I.R.)

Today, April 6, 2017, an absentee meeting of the members of the Board of Directors of the Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Law Tradition "Societas pro iure romano" (S.I.R.) was held.

The members of the Management Board received the materials for the meeting in advance and expressed their opinion electronically.

The following were adopted unanimously


1. At suggestion of the Chairman of the Board Prof. Malina Novkirishka to announce the first competition for research and articles by young authors on the topic: "Roman law and the Roman legal tradition in modern law." Compiling and translating the announcement and regulations of the competition in the official languages ​​of the Association, as well as sending it to the members of the Association and to universities in the Balkans and in Europe. The organization and conduct of the competition was assigned to Prof. Malina Novkirishka. October 20-21, 2017 was set for the dates of the conference at which to present the articles participating in the competition. The announcement for the competition should also be published on the IUS ROMANUM website.

2. At suggestion of Deputy. Chairman of the Board Prof. Maria Ignatovich to organize the Second International Conference on "Universalism of Roman Law" at the University of Nis on 12, 13 and 14 October 2017. Preparation of invitations to the conference, their translation into the official languages ​​of the Association, as well as sending them to the members of the Association and to other novelists in the Balkans and in Europe, and the organization of the conference was entrusted to Prof. Maria Ignatovic. The reports and articles of the conference should be submitted by October 31 and published in the electronic journal IUS ROMANUM 2/2017.

3. To send reminder letters to the members of the Association who have not yet sent the registration forms.

4. To organize the creation of advertising materials in connection with the events under items 1 and 2 and to popularize them in the novelistic circles.


Chairperson: Prof. Malina Novkirishka

Секрета:            (п) ас. Стоян Иванов

See S.I.R.