Balkan Association of Roman law and Roman legal tradition
for the Constituent Assembly of the Balkan Association of Roman law and Roman legal tradition
17.30- 18.00– Registration of participants
18.00-18.10- Opening speeches by the Rector of the University, Dean of the Law Faculty
18.10-18.40- Speeches by members of the Initiative committee: Prof. Dr. Malina Novkirishki, Prof. Dr. Maria Ignjatovic, Prof. Dr. Goce Naumovski, Prof. Dr. Valerius Ciucа, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomislav Karlovic
18.40-19.00- Other speeches
19.00-19.15- Debate on the Statute and voting
19.15-19.20- Debate on logo and informative form and their adoption
19.20-19.30- Proposals for the Board of Directors and the Secretary; debates
19.30-19.40- Voting for the Board of Directors and the Secretary
19.40-19.50- Proposals for future work of the Association
19.50-20.00- Conclusions
20.00- Cocktail at the restaurant "Alma Mater" in the University
From the Inauguration Meeting
of the Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition
"Societas pro iurе romano" (S.I.R.)
Today, 13thOctober 2016, at 6.00 pm in the Conference Hall of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia the Inauguration Meeting of the Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition"Societas pro iurе romano" (S.I.R.), hereinafter referred to as the Association, took place.
In the hall the founding and honorary members were present pursuant to the list annexed to the minutes – 29 people in total.
The meeting was presided over by Prof. Malina Novkirishka – member of the Steering Board for the inauguration of the Association on the motion of the members of same Board and as a host of the event.
The meeting proceeded according to the following agenda:
1. Debates over the Statute and the adoption of the Statute of the Association
2. Election of the Administrative Council and Secretary of the Association
3. Proposals about the future work of the Association
On item 1 from the agenda statements were made by Prof. Malina Novkirishka, Prof. Maria Ignatovich, Prof. Gotse Naumovski, Prof. Sebastiano Tafaro, and Prof. Valerio Chuka. The name of the foundation was established in Latin and registered in the list of the countries from which university lecturers and researchers could become members, Moldova was added as well. The members present unanimously approved the following
1. A Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition "Societas pro iurе romano" (S.I.R.) was founded.
2. The Statute of the Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition "Societas pro iurе romano" (S.I.R.) was adopted.
3. The list of the founding and honorary members of the Association was approved which also comprises the persons consenting to its establishment and accepting its Statute but who due to professional obligations were unable to attend the Inauguration Meeting.
On item 2 from the agenda Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Karlovich from the University in Zagreb made a motion about a chairperson, a deputy chairperson, and members of the Administrative Council and a secretary of the Association. The initially made motion about electing Alexander Arsich from the University in Nis secretary of the Association was discussed operationally due to the fact that he is still a student and does not have a university teaching status as is required by the Statute of the Association for this position. On the basis of the motions made, the members present unanimously approved the following
1. An Administrative Council of the Association was elected composed as follows:
Chairperson: Prof. Malina Novkirishka from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria
Deputy Chairperson: Prof. Maria Ignatovich from the University in Nis, Serbia
Prof. Marco Petrak from the University in Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Gotse Naumovski from "St. Cyril and Methody University" in Skopje, Macedonia
Prof. Valerio Chuka from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania
2. Associate professor Stoyan Ivanov from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria was voted secretary of the Association.
On item 3 from the agenda motions were made both in relation to the upcoming First Balkan International Conference "The Study and Teaching of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition in the beginning of 21st century" and in view of future initiatives. The registration form for the members of the Association was approved and the deadlines for its submission were determined as well as the documents to be published on the IUSROMANUM website.
Due to the completion of the agenda the meeting was closed at 8.00 pm.
Chairperson: Prof. Malina Novkirishka
Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Ivanov