IUS ROMANUM is the first Bulgarian journal, dedicated to the study and research of Roman Law and Roman legal tradition in contemporary law. The journal's manager and editor-in-chief is Prof. Malina Novkirishka – Stoyanova, DSc, who teaches Roman Law in the Law Faculty of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The Council of Editors consists of more than 50 members, including lecturers from different departments in the Sofia University and distinguished academics from the whole world, who have expressed their support for the initiative and have provided help in terms of submitting their own articles, presenting the journal on scientific forums, attracting new authors etc.

August is an especially suitable topic for the start of a new initiative for popularization of the Roman legal culture and tradition and the related first Romanist journal in Bulgaria. The topic was chosen taking into consideration the ideas of the students who study Roman law at the Sofia University, and of many colleagues who, in the last couple of years, have shown their interest in the studies on Ancient Rome.

According to the established tradition, the authors are ordered in the order of the articles in the editorial office. The content is divided into two main parts devoted to Roman-Roman relations and the romantic tradition in contemporary legislation and doctrine. There is also a third (and first in content) part of the emotional memories of the close friends and colleagues of Assoc. Cholov, who had the opportunity to attend the conference and who presented it to those who could not know it, to listen to his lectures, communicate with him.

In the beginning of the third year since the creation of the electronic Romanist journal IUS ROMANIUM the editor's board offers a fundamental topic both for the Roman and the contemporary law – FAMILIA. Thus, we continue to offer our readers topics from both private and public law in dimensions which are not too well-known to the wider legal community.

The IUS ROMANUM journal opens its fourth year of publications with a wide range of topics dedicated to administration. The Latin term “administratio” is used both to signify state government in its varied aspects and the individuals and organizational structures personally participating in it, as well as in a much wider perspective to determine the range of activities in the management of property and people for the performance of services and any ancillary or auxiliary activity in private legal relations.

The first issue of the Romanist e-journal IUS ROMANIUM for 2019 is dedicated to the topic of property and money. A Latin lexeme is used – PECUNIA which gradually changes its meaning through the ages although it clearly reflects the evolution of property as a set of goods, rights and obligations, designated both in Rome and today as a patrimonium.

Five years passed since the creation and maintenance of the online law journal IUS ROMANUM initiated by the Faculty of Law of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. During this period, our law journal presented to its readers some of the fundamental topics of Roman law, which have their significant place in modern times. In the palette of the vast legal matter of both private and public law, there was no topic, dedicated to the law of succession. This topic was in the focus of a number of scholars at the international conferences, organized by the Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition, and it was proposed to create a separate issue. With this issue the journal steps into its sixth year and we hope that it will last for many years to come and that it will remain interesting and diverse do its readers.

2021 г
By tradition, the electronic magazine of the Faculty of Law of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" seeks to bring together scientific research related to some of the most important directions of the Roman legal tradition in modern law. The topic of the current issue - OBLIGATIO, is naturally related to a very significant event for the Bulgarian legal community in 2021 - 70 years since the entry into force of the Law on Obligations and Contracts.

2022 г
In the modern world, the rule of law is a fundamental principle enshrined in the constitutions of democratic countries. Observance of laws and the celebration of legality are the main tasks set both in the management of Bulgaria and in the European Union and on a global scale. One of the leading topics of discussion in the effort to achieve and strengthen the legal order is the topic of the stability of laws, the maximum objectivity of legal regulation and its uniform application regardless of any preferences, claims of insufficiency or excess, expansive interpretation, etc.