Roman law, according to one of the respected professors of civil law, is the discipline that in the first year as a litmus test shows whether and to what extent a student is suitable to become a future lawyer. Although I do not think that this statement should be reduced to absoluteness, I personally am inclined to agree with it. For me, Roman law was the discipline that really opened the door to the vast legal world and convinced me for the first time that I had made the right choice about my studies. Something more. Awakening my interest in the Ancient World and challenging me with the elegance of its formulations, it prompted me to make my first quasi-scientific experiments in the form of works on Roman law.
At first, of course, I was quite hesitant - I was just a student who had just finished the first year, and I was far from sure that I could handle such a challenge. It was at this point that the Roman Law Circle played its part. My first visits were entirely as an observer - sitting at the bottom of the hall, I listened to colleagues from the upper courses present their work on the subject of possession, presumptions, fictions and more. I was especially impressed by the calm, informal atmosphere of the meetings, the openness of the leading teachers to discussions, their desire to encourage students to create and argue their own theses in their reports. All this prompted me to be frightened and to present - first within the Circle, and then at the conference organized with his assistance - my first scientific experiments. In addition, in addition to my participation in the Circle, I had the opportunity to meet, communicate and make friends with a number of colleagues, as well as to participate in a unique learning event - the reconstruction of a Roman trial, held in May 2016. Last but not least place, I must note that the special charm of Roman law as a discipline and the Circle is due to the erudition and attitude of teachers who lead them and who are undoubtedly among the most capable and friendly teachers in law at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ”.

The study of Roman law is the first step that the future jurist must take in order to understand the meaning of legal science. The Roman Law Circle is an invaluable source of knowledge, without which it is much more difficult to reach this goal. Roman law is not just a textbook to be read because there is an exam in that subject. Roman law is a synthesis between wisdom, philosophy and erudition. It lays the foundations of modern legal science as we know it today. The future is built with a lesson from history. By understanding the meaning of the Latin maxims, a precondition is created for the improvement of the current legislation. becausebēˈkəz Translations of because ConjunctionFrequency защото because, for тъй като as, since, because, inasmuch as, seeing, for понеже because, for, since, as, inasmuch as, now Definitions of because Conjunction 1 for the reason that; since. we did it because we felt it our duty Synonyms: sinceasfor the reason thatin view of the fact thatowing to the fact thatseeing that/as Examples of because because of that 10 more examples Synonyms of because Conjunction sinceasfor the reason thatin view of the fact thatowing to the fact thatseeing that/as
The circle gave me the opportunity to understand a subject that is not part of the required literature. Through the visits to the bus stops, I realized what a lawyer should be and what moral qualities he should have. In addition, in the circle I had the opportunity to meet many professors and colleagues with whom to discuss various topics related to both Roman law and modern law. Together we managed to organize a training Roman trial - something that is happening for the first time in Bulgaria, and which brought me extremely valuable experience. I recommend every freshman to attend the Roman Law Circle, because it is definitely worth it.

My first visit to the Circle of Roman Law was quite spontaneous - My friend had expressed a desire to participate in the upcoming Roman trial, which was organized for the first time in Bulgaria. Along with her, I also decided to get involved. A case was presented to first-year students, and each of us had the opportunity to choose in which role to participate (plaintiff, defendant, praetor, lawyer, etc.). The goal was to put ourselves in a situation as close as possible to the trial in ancient Rome. The process took place in the traditional two phases - In iure ( производство пред претора) и Apud iudicem (court proceedings before a sworn judge). My role was that of a sworn judge. I received the case and the necessary instructions from the assistants in Roman private law, who actively worked on the preparation of the students involved in the process. All the participants took the learning Roman trial responsibly and seriously, and I think it was a great result, which brought us valuable knowledge and experience. In this way, the Circle of Roman Law gave me the opportunity to delve even deeper into Roman law.
In conclusion, I would say that any law student could one day become a judge in the future, but only in the Circle of Roman Law could a student travel back in time to experience the feeling of being in the role of a queer sworn judge.

The Roman law class for me is exactly what not only freshmen need, but also all students who study law and ask questions. Questions most often related to why law today is what it is and, above all, whether it can be more perfect and fairer where it is not.
The Roman law class in my freshman year encouraged me not to limit myself to what I could read in the textbook, but to always try to look deeper, searching for the essence of each question. Most importantly, however, he encouraged me to dare to post and discuss this with my teachers and colleagues.
From the very beginning of the first year, the collections gave us the opportunity to write and present to the audience our works dedicated to our desire to seek and express what has most strongly attracted us to legal science.
Over time, I realized that the flight of our thoughts as freshmen was often reminiscent of the flight of birds that learn to fly and sometimes land incorrectly. In the Circle, however, all this was an important lesson for our development.
For me, the collections on Roman law filled exactly what was missing in the process of my education - the opportunity to upgrade my knowledge with the ability to analyze and interpret it, to make sense of it and refract it through my prism. The reason for this is largely rooted in the relaxed atmosphere of the gatherings, which in itself predisposes to questions and reflection.
However, the circle actually has the appearance and carries the spirit of the teachers and students who are part of it and make it up. For me, it was the first place I visited outside of the lecture courses. Subsequently, it became a favorite for my interests and searches.
It turns out that with the colleagues with whom we visited the Circle for the first time, we gradually took a
growing up. However, I remember that when I came to the first meeting, I had long been fascinated by the history of the ancient world and foresaw that I would also be snatched by its rights. Then, for the first time, I asked myself a question that was perhaps naive, but relevant for every freshman - not what he should know, but what a good lawyer should be?
Undoubtedly, today I can say that Roman law helped me in my search for the answer, because if law is the art of the good and the just, then in my opinion, a good lawyer must be above all a priest and a warrior of Iustitia.

In June 2016, I entered a competition for solving cases under Roman private law, which turned out to be a good, albeit spontaneous, decision.
Probably each of the more than 60 people who signed up shared the obsessive thought that he would drop out in the first round. As the session approached, the anxiety around it grew and I had little time to prepare. In this sense, the thing that saved me from a complete pogrom of the competition was purely and simply attending lectures, preparing for the exercises and, in general, systematic reading. Preparation probably sounds like a painful and difficult process, and the fact that the exercises were difficult at an early stage certainly contributes to this idea. In reality, however, the classes devoted to Roman law were of the greatest interest to us students. This can be defined as an instructive moment in my story, which is above all a call for future freshmen to prepare regularly, not only because it will be easier for them in the future before the exam in Roman private law, but also to be able to properly appreciate how fascinating the matter itself is. My preparation was, in fact, a quick negotiation over four days with the help of lecture notes, systematized and placed in a very old notebook of a man who had been a law student at least 30 years before. It was preserved by him not only to be handed over to help a freshman, but also because even now it serves as a guide, as an aid, in the face of which the foundations of our modern law are discovered. Keeping this notebook was a sure sign to me that I should put more effort into studying this subject.
This was the prehistory, and now let's go back to the more interesting - the race itself. The first round passed most imperceptibly, while at the same time being the most devastating, as over 50% of the participants dropped out. The next few rounds were much more intense, because everyone tried very hard and gave their best and respectively the participants dropped out more and more slowly.
Although there is enough time for reflection, you are left with the feeling that 10 seconds ago you were given a sheet on which to mark the answers. I am an impatient person and the waiting between the circles, which is filled with contradictory emotions, motivated me more and more to focus and do my best to move forward.
However, the last round of the competition turned out to be the most difficult, because although at first glance the team solving a case seems much easier, in fact it turned out that this is not the case. The reason is this: you need to adapt your way of thinking and interpreting to that of five other people for a limited period of time, which is a real challenge. In the end, however, we managed to adapt to the pressing situation and work as a team, which brought us victory. Once both teams have submitted their answers, you still can't realize that the race is over and you will find out at any moment if you have managed to be an idea more focused, more accurate and more resourceful than those who do not give up. you opponents. When they announce the results, you do not realize what exactly they are telling you, as if you fall into a short weightlessness. However, this bewilderment was quickly replaced by the joy of victory and the subsequent congratulations to the teammates, although you met some of them only an hour ago. I can't help but mention the opposing team, which also did brilliantly and in no way can I describe it as a "loser".
The competition was a truly amazing experience that not only tested the theoretical knowledge of the material, but also the ability to apply it practically, as well as to think under pressure and make decisions pressed by time. The case solving competition motivates the participants, gave them a great desire to continue participating in such organized competitions in the future, which is really the most valuable thing you can learn from the appearance of such events.